Archives: Testimonials

R.B., M.D.

"I write to you knowing that written words cannot convey all that I want you to know of my deep respect for your help and, above all, my gratitude. I have not needed to develop such an intense partnership with a colleague many times in my life. It was truly a rewarding, if unwanted, adventure....I owe to you for all you did to assure that, between... Learn more

S.J., M.D.

"I am very pleased to find a lawyer who is sincere, hardworking, and dedicated. I hope you keep up the good work, because we "poor doctors" will always need your help. Please convey my heartfelt thanks to everyone in your... Learn more

J.S., M.D.

"I feel fortunate that the insurance company put you on my case. As I told you, I am much more comfortable in a smaller, more personal setting such as you and your office provided. At the same time, I felt extremely confident in my attorney, an especially comforting concept. I was treated for what I think was a relatively small suit the same as if... Learn more

P.T., M.D.

"This letter is to express my sincere appreciation for your excellent work to help me with the T.W. case. I can see that you have had a lot of experience handling these types of cases. You have been on top of the claimant's lawyers through the entire ordeal. In my opinion, you are one of the best malpractice... Learn more

D.B., M.D.

"We were overwhelmed with gratitude not only for your kind support, but for your excellence. The case was flawlessly prepared and the presentation was outstanding...We were very impressed by your acumen, attentiveness to each important detail, well-designed strategy, patience, and remarkable restraint. You were both wonderful and went the extra... Learn more

D.L.Z., M.D.

H. and I are truly happy with the outcome of the S. case and want to thank you and your firm for representing me. I truly appreciated your thoroughness, professionalism, and above all else, belief in my innocence." C.J., M.D. "Again, thanks for your efforts on my behalf. You were... Learn more


"I want to thank you....again for the outstanding jobs you do for medical defendants. The organization, law team, and highly qualified (All Star, really) expert witnesses were all second to none. Although being a defendant is something I don't want to ever be again, I wouldn't want anyone else defending me during such a tough time." I... Learn more