C.K., M.D.
“Initially, I thought the intensity of the defense preparations were overkill until the jury trial unfolded. Though there was absolutely no medical merit to the case, without a vigorous defense, the carefully selected facts woven into a plausible story by the attorney for the plaintiff could have been convincing….Mr. Shaw skillfully juggled his giant enlargements of the medical record and successfully counteracted the blatant editing of the facts by Ms. C. It took a lot of work and skill on the part of Mr. Shaw to show that the medicine was indeed good. There is one more observation that I wanted to share. Mr. Shaw’s office works as a team. I recognize teamwork since I have spent the greater part of my career trying to improve the [My ED team]. Teamwork was the reason for any success I may have had and it is always more effective than the superstar approach to performance. Thank you for picking an effective team for my defense.”